Why use raised garden beds in your food garden
You've probably heard of raised garden beds and all their benefits. They make it easy to grow plants, harvest them, and even water them. But did you know that there are many more reasons why raised garden beds are so great?
Raised garden beds have a lot going for them: ample space for roots to grow, rapid soil warming in the spring, ease of access for gardeners, and improved drainage. These factors make raised garden beds the best way to grow your food.
What are raised garden beds?
Raised garden beds are a gardening system that uses a raised frame to hold soil. The soil in raised garden beds warms up quickly in the spring, making it the perfect place to start your gardening season. Raised garden beds also have improved drainage, so your plants will be less likely to develop diseases. And because the soil is loose and well-drained, your plants will be able to grow healthy and strong.
There are many reasons why raised garden beds are the best way to grow your food. With all of the benefits they offer, it's no wonder that more and more gardeners are making the switch to raised garden beds.
If you're thinking about starting a garden or looking for ways to improve your existing garden, raised garden beds are the way to go.
Different types of raised garden beds
There are many different types of raised garden beds, and you can choose the one that best suits your needs. The most common types of raised garden beds are made from wood, but metal and plastic options are also available.
Wood raised garden beds are a popular choice because they're sturdy and durable. They can last in your food garden anywhere from between 10-20years plus.
The best wood for your raised garden beds is rot-resistant options like cedar or redwood. Treated lumber should be avoided because the chemicals in the treated wood can leach into the soil and harm your plants.
They can also be easily customized to fit any space. If you're handy, you can even build your own wooden raised garden bed. Another option is you can have Tasty harvests design and build you one. At Tasty harvests, we custom design and build you a cedar wood raised garden bed according to your needs in your food garden.
Cedar raised garden bed designed and built by Tasty harvests
Metal raised garden beds are a good choice if you're looking for something that's easy to assemble and lightweight. They're also a good choice if you have pests that like to nibble on wood, like rabbits or deer.
Metal to use for your raised garden beds is galvanized steel or aluminum. These metals won't rust and will last for many years.
Plastic raised garden beds are a good choice if you're looking for an inexpensive option. They're also easy to assemble and lightweight. However, plastic can degrade in the sun, so it's important to choose durable food-safe plastic that will last for many years.
Benefits of using raised garden beds
There are many benefits of using raised garden beds, and they're the perfect way to grow your food. With raised garden beds, you get:
-Ample space for roots to grow
-Quick soil warming in the spring
-Ease of access for gardeners
-Improved drainage
-Less weeding
With all of these benefits, it's no wonder that more and more gardeners are making the switch to raised garden beds. If you're thinking about starting a garden or looking for ways to improve your existing garden, raised garden beds are the way to go.
The types of plants that grow best in raised garden beds
There are many types of plants that grow well in raised garden beds. The best plants for raised garden beds are those that have a shallow root system and don't need a lot of soil depth. This includes vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers.
Some of the best plants for raised garden beds include:
-Herbs (mint, lavender, thyme, rosemary)
-Flowers (marigolds, petunias, impatiens)
Raised garden beds are a great way to garden if you have limited space or if you want to make gardening easier on your back. There are different types of raised garden beds, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
Raised garden beds provide ample space for the roots to grow, and they make it easy to access your plants for watering and harvesting.
The soil in raised garden beds warms up quickly in the spring to get a jump start on your gardening season. And because the soil is loose and well-drained, your plants will be less susceptible to diseases.
The types of plants that grow best in raised garden beds include vegetables, herbs, and flowers. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, raised garden beds are a great option for growing your plants.
When you are ready to make the investment to grow food in your yard, make sure to reach us and we will design and build your raised garden beds .